Fireside Twenty

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Conversation: c2fa1ac6-46c5-4f8e-42e0-08dd22bb4103

What did you dream of becoming when you were a child? - 1
What hobbies or interests did you have as a child that you still enjoy? - 1
As a child, what was your favorite story or fairy tale, and why? - 1
What is one of your happiest memories? - 2
What's a small, simple moment in your life that brought you great joy? - 2
Can you describe a time when you laughed really hard? - 2
Who has been the most influential person in your life and why? - 3
Can you name a book or movie that greatly influenced your way of thinking? - 3
Is there a mentor or teacher who has significantly impacted your life? - 3
What is one fear you have conquered, and how did you do it? - 4
What is a smaller fear you face in your daily life, and how do you manage it? - 4
What is a recent challenge you faced and how did it help you grow? - 4
What values and beliefs are most important to you? - 5
What is a tradition or custom that is important in your family or culture? - 5
What’s one belief you hold strongly, even if others disagree? - 5